Last weekend of Exhibition!

So, it's the last opportunity to see the fabulous Just Imagine Illustrators Groups' illustration work at Chelmsford Museum this weekend!
Prints and artwork have been selling really well, but there's still time to purchase some of the beautiful images before the show comes down on Monday. Don't miss out!

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The Chelmsford Museum Exhibition continues...

You can still see the Just Imagine Illustrators Group exhibition for the next 2 weeks of the Summer at the newly refurbished Chelmsford Museum. Illustrations and prints are selling well so make sure you don’t miss out before the show comes down at the beginning of September!

This “Chelmsford” map print is available at A2 or A3 size and it even helps you find the museum!

This “Chelmsford” map print is available at A2 or A3 size and it even helps you find the museum!

Here’s the lovely updated Museum illustrated again along with some of the bees that live there…(Children from Class 1B at The Tyrrells’ School helped me make the picture, too).

Here’s the lovely updated Museum illustrated again along with some of the bees that live there…

(Children from Class 1B at The Tyrrells’ School helped me make the picture, too).

Just Imagine Illustrators Group

I wanted to share some of my recent #ChelmsfordTales ceramics that are special personally as they illustrate eight of the fabulous members of the Just Imagine Illustrators Group.

Initiated by Nikki Gamble of Just Imagine around ten years ago, I now convene the illustrators group that has been meeting ever since in Chelmsford, Essex. As a group of successful freelancers we discuss work, ideas and set briefs for portfolio work and exhibitions, about all things illustration. We welcome newcomers, professional and those who just enjoy illustrating.

The eight illustrated are very excited to be having an exhibition of their work hosted at the newly refurbished and reinvented Chelmsford Museum, and open over the whole of the summer. Do come along and have a look!

Please contact me directly if you are interested in coming along to our meetings.

You can see the work of Richard Holland, Candy Joyce, Hayley Wells, Charlotte Collins, Matthew Brazier , Natalie Eldred , Colin Wyatt and my own. (Click the links to see their fabulous portfolios)


Growing Places Zine

Super pleased to have been involved in Hayley Wells’ Growing Places zine. Such a lovely project timed perfectly for today’s Small Press Day. Also included are beautiful pages by local Chelmsford artists Charlotte Collins and Candy Joyce.

Available from Hayley Wells.

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Illustration Illusion

Illustrating can be a secretive business. I’m busy with picture book work, but the illusion might be that I’m busy doing nothing!

I love this illusion of my work setup taken by the fabulous photographer Polly Alderton DollyandFife

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Summer Exhibition

I convene the Just Imagine illustrators Group in Chelmsford near London. We are busy preparing to install our Summer exhibition in the newly refurbished, soon to be open Chelmsford Museum. Do come along and see some fabulous illustration from 20 July - 1st September.

We’re a little bit excited!

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More Chelmsford Tales

This bay tree decorating a new ceramic pot is one my Dad have to me around 20 years ago, as a small cutting. It’s followed me around and now lives in my garden in Chelmsford. It even houses a sparrows nest this summer! I’m adding this to my growing Chelmsford Tales collection…

The Chelmsford Tales

I’ve been enjoying learning how to make ceramic potts of late over at the fabulous Makerspace in Colchester. These are my first attempts and part of the collection #ChelmsfordTales are entitled “3ft People Festival” and “Fling”.


A sneaky preview of some super bees I’ve been working with for a piece under the brief of “Wildlife” for the Just Imagine Illustrators Group’s Summer exhibition. Thanks Class 1B at The Tyrrells School for your fabulous drawings I’m incorporatiing in my artwork : )


"Pearlies" Poster

You can still see this detail of my shortlisted poster image along with 99 other “London Stories” illustrations at The London Transport Museum in Covent garden until 14th July.

Some fabulous winning poster images, including the winners which will be on the London Underground soon!

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Drink and Draw Chelmsford

Not a bad evening’s sketching considering I forgot my glasses and we were drawing in a dimly lit pub! Chelmsford’s Drink and Draw group meets monthly in a local pub, organised by Lynn Ex, all welcome.

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