Snow Ghost is highlighted on the Brightness Magazine Library this week - check it out here!
Snow Ghost : Process of a Picture Book Spread
Snow ghost, written by Tony Mitton and published by Bloomsbury, is now out on the book shelves and online, so to celebrate I thought you’d like to see some of the process!
You may or may not know that a picture book can take a long time to create; working out the characters; each individual spread; making sure the balance of imagery is right throughout. I’m going to share some of the various stages of the first double-page spread of Snow Ghost, just to give you an idea of how involved it can be.
The first roughs I drew were very small, thumbnail scribbles of a simple layout. I worked out where the main image elements would go, and where I wanted to place the text.
I then drew the roughs at the size of the actual book, refining and redrawing numerous times. I drew quite tight roughs so that I had everything in it’s place and so that I had the composition as I wished. I used reference during this time to get the imagery feeling believable. At this stage, the Snow Ghost character was going to be quite an abstract non-human being, floating across the sky.
Before moving onto the rest of the book, I started exploring the process I would use for the artwork, so created these two initial paintings using acrylic washes, pencils colours, graphite and collage. But I found I was creating pieces that felt too tight and refined, and there wasn’t enough life in the scenes.
After much discussion and some time later, we decided to take a different approach and the Snow Ghost character evolved in a more anthropomorphic way.
Reworked roughs and a slightly different layout, led to these following drawings…
…and from this, looser and more expressive sketch followed the final painted artwork. Here are a few details of the artwork in progress.
Many layers of paint, pencil mark-making, pastel and collage were used to create the image…
…which was then scanned in to have a little extra digital magic added in Photoshop, before the text was laid over the image by the designer.
And there it is - the first of many spreads making up the Snow Ghost book!
(You can purchase a copy of Snow Ghost, written by Tony Mitton, published by Bloomsbury, in my online Book Shop in the Menu above).
Snow ghost - "The Most Heartwarming Picture Book of the Year"
Snow Ghost is out today - Happy book birthday to Tony Mitton and Bloomsbury Publishing!
“Snow Ghost came whispering out of the air,
Oh, for a home to be happy – but where?"
“A timeless story of hope and belonging, perfect for sharing with loved ones this winter.”
With many thanks to Artist Partners and all the team at Bloomsbury.
Snow Ghost - New Picture Book!
It is with great pleasure that I can now share the cover of my new book, Snow Ghost, publishing on 1st October! Written by the fabulous Tony Mitten, published by Bloomsbury and represented by Artist Partners
“A timeless story of hope and belonging, perfect for sharing with loved ones this winter.”
“The most heartwarming picture book of the year.”
The End is Just the Beginning
I’m happy to be able to reveal the cover of “The End is Just the Beginning”, written by Mike Bender, published by PenguinRandomHouse, being represented by Christine Isteed at Artist Partners and illustrated by me!
“The book is about teaching children to embrace the transitions and endings in life because they really are just beginnings full of promise. We are all living through a massive transition right now and the message couldn’t be more relevant.” Mike Bender.
Publishing in April 2021
"Dreaming of Birds"
Illustrated ceramic coil pot, depicting my two kittens whilst in quarantined in our garden till they’re old enough to roam free.
The good folk at Colchester Makerspace kindly sent a ball of clay during lockdown when unable to get to the space with instructions on how to make a coil pot. This was my first attempt at this process, usually preferring to throw clay on a wheel. It created quite a hand-built, chunky appearing shape, but I’m still reasonably happy with the decoration hiding all the imperfections!
"Lockdown" Pot Complete
I visited the newly re-opened Colchester Makerspace to collect this glaze-fired illustrated ceramic pot today.
I quite like it!
Summer Tree
Sunset tree and night tree
Lockdown at Lily Close
I threw this porcelain pot way back in November at the fabulous Makerspace in Colchester, but ran out of time to complete it before Christmas!
So, it’s been fortunate that I had something to decorate during this time of staying at home and have enjoyed trying out a new Duncan EZ Strokes underglaze.
I’ve included the things that have made this family time notable for us and will now look forward to the time I can bisque fire and glaze fire back at the Makerspace…
Earth Day
Thinking how much we should appreciate our precious Earth and all it gives us, more than ever right now.
I’ve created a book mark for the #bookmarkproject an annual charity auction of author, illustrator and celebrity bookmarks that raises money for Katiyo Primary School in Zimbabwe. The auction opens in May and you can keep up to date with details over on Twitter here.
Strange Times..
I’m currently feeling very fortunate to have continuing illustration work during this current pandemic crisis. But I’m still very conscious of everything going on in the outside world whilst in the UK’s lockdown. I’m sure it’s making many of us more contemplative about all that’s positive in our own worlds.
This image I created a while ago seems particularly apt right now.
Social Distancing
After the Storm...
I’m finally seeing the light after what seems like a long, dark stormy winter and as I approach completing my next exciting picture book. It feels a good, sunny day!
Signed, limited edition “Transition” Giclee prints are available from my SHOP.
Artwork complete - hurrah!
I’ve been buried under a pile of paintings for the last few months, but have finally finished the artwork for the first of a few children’s picture books I have on the go. Hurrah! It feels such a relief!
I can’t share anything yet, so here’s a serene picture of me pretending to work by the clever Polly Alderton. Wish it really looked that calm at my desk!
Meanwhile, onto the next book…
Print Sale!
I am selling high-quality Giclee prints of some of my work throughout December with a 20% discount.
Follow this link to order yours in time for Christmas! PRINT SALE
Makerspace Blog Interview
I answered some questions about my creative practise as part of being November’s Maker of the Month at the Colchester Makerspace. You can read my answers over on the Colchester Makerspace Blog if you fancy!
Photograph by Polly Alderton
Maker of the Month
I’ve been invited to be the Maker of the Month for November in the lovely Cafe Saison over at Colchester Makerspace
Along with some delicious breakfast and lunch, you can browse and purchase some of my prints and ceramics!
Calendars for sale
I’m pleased to have an image in the Chelmsford Window Gallery calendar!
You can help support the Window Gallery, Chelmsford, by buying their 2020 Calendar. Price includes delivery within the UK and all orders will be posted first class by December 10th. Available for pre-order at
The Window Gallery doesn’t believe artists should have to pay to display their work so they do not charge artists to display their work or charge them commission on sales. This helps to keep the gallery ‘artist friendly’ and accessible to all.
Each artist whose work appears on the pages will receive 2% from each calendar sold. All other profits help cover gallery costs including administration, maintenance, improvements and promotion. The calendar features stunning images by Carol Chesher, Keith Bird, Katie Osborne, Keith Bird, Lo-fi Guy, Magnolia Lily Prints, Martin Bagshaw, Pearl Of Thunder, Puddle Paints, Samantha Reilly and Tony Maskell.
Detail of Diana Mayo’s calendar page
Lost in the Flowers
Once upon a time a woman came to live in Lily Close, Chelmsford, with her young family. She had a baby daughter who she took for walks in her pram, exploring the surrounding neighbourhood without the aid of GPS.
Little did she know that the “Flower” roads she lived amongst were a labyrinth of short cuts, bunny walks, circular roads and mazes until she became completely lost, unable to find her way back to Lily Close!
Another time, her daughter dropped her favourite teddybear amongst the Flowers, taking hours to find it before finding the way back home…
To this day visitors continue to tell tales of getting lost in the Flowers…